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Oru Kayak guided kayaking in Verla

Oru Kayak guided kayaking in Verla
Oru Kayak Inlet Verla (4)
Oru Kayak Beach Verla (5)
Oru Kayak Inlet Verla (1)
Oru Kayak Inlet Verla (2)
Oru Kayak Inlet Verla (3)
Oru Kayak Beach Verla (6)
Price includes 1 person.

Explore a UNESCO World Heritage site from the water. Verla's landscape is also protected and is surrounded by a truly beautiful and clean waters. The ultra-light Oru Kayak open kayaks are easy to paddle for ages 7 and up, and they are also very stable. You'll get to see Verla from a whole new perspective and have a relaxing time on the water. The paddle lasts two hours and we also stop at places suitable for swimming.